Saturday, February 18, 2006

This is SO cool

Yesturday in my Creative class, th eprof told us to take out a piece of paper and draw an abstract object. Then we had to take that object and turn it into a cartoon character. She then made us write positive and negative things about the character purely on how it looked (happy, sad, mean, etc.). We also had to make up a story to go along with the character. Finally we were given 10 words (garuantee, free, money, etc.) and 8 items (batteries, beer, diapers, etc.) and had ot make a slogan up for eahc item using each word (so 80 slogans total). She finally told us that we have a 20% project where we have to take all these things and make a movie poster that will have the character I made up, based on the story I have and use the best slogan I made up. We have to drawe it and use paints and everything. It's going ot be wicked. My character ended up being a King Neptune kind of character and my idea for my poster will be a take off on the first Star Wars poster. It's going to be wicked!


Billy Ruffian said...

It damn well better be bucko!

By the by, FINALLY updated my own blog.

Budman said...

Oh it will, it will...
You guys still coming to Vaganza?

Billy Ruffian said...

We plan to, a truncated form of the team will arrive, mostly because some of us have ancilliary school stuff. Expect around 6 of us.